Cleaning with Certainty

What is Wet Cleaning?

Wet Cleaning is an alternative to dry cleaning and other commercial laundry cleaning processes that utilises water to clean clothes and fibrers. It is an environmentally friendly way to clean clothes and is gentle enough to work on garments with flocking and transfers that would otherwise be too sensitive to clean using other methods. Especially those garments which cannot be dry cleaned.

Wet Cleaning is an alternative to dry cleaning and other commercial laundry cleaning processes
Kreussler introduced wet cleaning to the public in December, 1991


Kreussler introduced wet cleaning to the public in December, 1991. Professional wet cleaning technology was first developed in Germany in the early 1990s, and it was brought to the United States shortly after. Today, the wet cleaning process is used by thousands of cleaners across the country, and dozens of companies manufacture wet cleaning equipment and detergents.

Kreussler introduced wet cleaning to the public in December, 1991

How it Works.



Close inspection for dirt and stains. Garments may be sorted by fabric type, light and dark colors, and weight.



A professional wet cleaning technician then pick the right treament to ensure the proper wash and dry cycles are used for each garment type.


Wet Cleaning

Machines are now set for optimal cleaning and drying. The motor is controlled by an internal computer with wash program software to achieve the optimal formulation of water level, cycle time, degree of agitation, temperature, and cleaning agents for each garment load.



Your garments are hand-pressed and beautifully finished by our experienced pressers. They are then taken to the finishing area for pressing and steaming to relax the fabric after the cleaning process.


Why use Wet Cleaning?



Gentler on clothes making them last longer



An environmentally friendly choice

Eco friendly

Eco friendly

It does not create water or air pollution



Safe for workers, consumers, and residents

Emits Odour

Emits Odour

No deep-rooted odor or residual chemicals

No toxic chemicals

No toxic chemicals

No harmful chemicals

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